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The End

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Excellent, the server is dead. Now I have this question, when exactly forum will join the graveyard?


--- Quote from: T-888 on June 24, 2013, 12:55:34 am ---Excellent, the server is dead. Now I have this question, when exactly forum will join the graveyard?

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hmm and where exactly will you type your walls of chaotic text after it's burial ? On it's tombstone ?

This last day remainded me of all people I knew, meet, all factions I been thrughth, started in game all alone, shoveled shit, reading wiki, after a month  I joined balkan faction "The modoc Throws" which played under wing of Cajuns, then that faction died, I have been alone again I joined up with some loners lensy jabaka, and penelopa, they were awesome polish guys with them I joined in section8, where I was some time. Then there was big recrutment for "The north bandits" friend Marko called me there it was quite big alliance and very well organised Rogues, RDA, Amboys, they had all the towns non stop for long period of time, then that fallen apart dont remember why. And I was alone again :) , I was doing alone reno action, while I meet faction DoW they were great guys but they were in low numbers, they were allies and good friends with hawks, after that I joined directly to hawks, best guys I ever known, and I played wtih them till they didnt leave this server.
Somewhere along the road I made such a great freinds like Marko, White Eeagle, Intruders, Oliver, Muchamor, DocSpad, Gr1m, Reese, Vedaras, McDoctor, Glumer, Mouse, SSakul, Kelin and many others I didnt mentioned right now because list would be too long.
They ones who made this adventure really worth.

After seeing so me only people and friends and people I know at last day of fonline2238, in reminded me at one song lyrics


All around me are familiar faces
worn out places
worn out faces
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had


--- Quote from: Urukhai on June 24, 2013, 01:04:21 am ---hmm and where exactly will you type your walls of chaotic text after it's burial ? On it's tombstone ?

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He can always keep writing futile love letters to Summer Glau.


--- Quote from: lisac2k on June 23, 2013, 11:53:15 am ---My RAM is still blurry, bit I think this was among the first random spawn cave loot in the scripts. It was obviously changed soon after had been introduced, in one or another "adjustment" commit. It could have been - most probably - some time around 2010.

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That sounds right, good to know my memory isn't too messed up. Thanks for the explanation, really.

--- Quote from: Urukhai on June 24, 2013, 01:04:21 am ---hmm and where exactly will you type your walls of chaotic text after it's burial ? On it's tombstone ?

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Gonna need a big tombstone...


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