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Eye Floaters

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Cyber Jesus:
Hello, anybody else having these black dots in their eye sight? I have one.
I first noticed mine a couple of weeks ago and when i read that they will stay forever i tought i was going to go ape shit, but now it stopped annoying me.I see it as my little friend that comes and goes but is always there, I even named it. Steve.

I have some, which I noticed several years ago. I have been told that they are caused by damaging your cornea. In my case it was probably the time when schoolmate slingshot a chalk to my eye. It is hardly noticable in my case, so just stop paying attention to it and like it has never been there. ;)

Keep sitting in front of your PC like nothing is happening.

Mike Crosser:
Visit an eye mechanic.

I think I have a minor one that I don't even see anymore at the top corner of my right eye. I think if it is really bright I might notice it, but it isn't a problem anymore and you get used to it. An ophthalmologist can't really help, and surgery isn't suggested unless it's really bad and blocking vision.

Though, a floater could be a sign of a torn cornea, so I guess you should make sure the cornea isn't torn by going in anyway (but I'm still not sure if they can do much). Are you near-sighted? I remember reading it happens a lot more to near-sighted people than others.


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