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enclave hunting party vs tb sneaker tank
--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on June 09, 2013, 09:09:03 pm ---Sneaking or not, the adrenaline/anxiousness still occurs unless you're used it.
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FYI abe the words anxiousness and adrenaline are not synonyms i could feel anxious without having adrenaline coursing through my veins,
and there is an exception to every rule like perhaps i have a defective adrenal gland :P
Didn't imply they were. Anyway I love the feeling of adrenaline that FOnline got you, no other multiplayer game I've played did that.
--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on June 10, 2013, 12:18:14 am ---Didn't imply they were. Anyway I love the feeling of adrenaline that FOnline got you, no other multiplayer game I've played did that.
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i suppose that is so because you dont put your soul into most multiplayer games take crysis for example is when you die 10 sec respawn done! fully regeared and ready to go
then you have way point counting which makes the game pretty easy.
as where fonline you do i series of percussion before entering combat; drugging up your caracter gearing him up having taken the time to farm the stuff, there is alot at stake if you lose,
rt is a bit on edge then tb, RT things go by so quickly all there is is a short and painless interval
like plucking a hair,
as where tb it really keeps you in that moment prolonging the pvp, thats why find when sombody says they hate tb it feels like they are saying "i dont have any patients"
tb reminds me of that feeling you get during a good game of chess silently encroaching on your enemy bluffing him and looking for tells, i wonder what piece i would compair to a sneak tank that would have to be the queen.
I laugh at this post. I was with tomowolf wen we killed 2 of these nubs stole there car and loot, the like 30 mins later we encounter them again i single waiting for tomo.to enter killed 3 of them includeing his sneaker, tomo finds th encounter and one of them enter again tomo kills him straight lol was funny but we couldnt loot all the gatlings and loot they had and one of them ran of with key lol so we was there for while trying o picklock it haha, then they set up a trap, at narvaro lol we knew coz we had sneaker watching them we even let them grow in number till they where 7 and we entered killed some but died but tomowolf after that had 1 vs 1 with insane shina and won. The guys you beat where farmers on pve alts this is not victory, this makes u lame when we beat you we used pve alts against ur pvp alts i.know this because i seen them im tc, also later on ill show u guys screens on how 3 of us killed nine of them when they did tc anyways servers deaad, but ive been banned and would like to send in screens lol
--- Quote from: Lotus_ on June 13, 2013, 12:13:09 am ---I laugh at this post. I was with tomowolf wen we killed 2 of these nubs stole there car and loot, the like 30 mins later we encounter them again i single waiting for tomo.to enter killed 3 of them includeing his sneaker, tomo finds th encounter and one of them enter again tomo kills him straight lol was funny but we couldnt loot all the gatlings and loot they had and one of them ran of with key lol so we was there for while trying o picklock it haha, then they set up a trap, at narvaro lol we knew coz we had sneaker watching them we even let them grow in number till they where 7 and we entered killed some but died but tomowolf after that had 1 vs 1 with insane shina and won. The guys you beat where farmers on pve alts this is not victory, this makes u lame when we beat you we used pve alts against ur pvp alts i.know this because i seen them im tc, also later on ill show u guys screens on how 3 of us killed nine of them when they did tc anyways servers deaad, but ive been banned and would like to send in screens lol
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it was not 7 of us it was 4 with a newb helping out :P and considering our team does not kill enclave on tb there was no need for specialy made pve alts because pvp was more then sutable for killing pve'er's : our team on the encalve pvp in navarow are the following: insana shina , evil barbie, dark horse, killer bee, and some newb that pitched in
just when i thought the pvp in tb was dead you two bozos pop up pretending to be friendly and then onehexing my crit build you accedenally shot the enclave partol and they sort of blew your ribs clean off with a gorgeous crit then it was a facoff with me and meat grinder i was gatling no crit with tesla, VS meatgrinder wealding a avenger, and wearing tesla
so you can imagine how that played out.................... :-\ and i did not have a sneaker present just goes to know that when you let your guard down you can get killed by bozos like yourself :P and meatgrinder and ugly jack are not pve build's ive heared how that build works and i can safly say it is by its most truest definition a PvP build nothing less then that pve my ass. and 3 of you killed 9 of us??? how the fuck do you figure that? you would need one heck of a photoshop artist to make that happen :P ive known you for a while now the last thing i would have expected was you one hexing me. you back stabbing nigga ;D
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