i'll stop acting like that the moment you stop acting all macho about a thing i did 100 times better than you. go figure.
what thing are you refering to when you say "thing"
i think you made a typo! should've wrote 20 times.
nope no typo error i meant "2" and wtf first you say how you raped me 100 times now your saying 20 make up your mind man "you should never mettle with lying if you do not have a good memory" i hear meditaion improves the grey matter in your brain responsible for "empathy, memory," and your clearly lacking in both.
they can't kill newbs because they're not efficient at finding newbs to kill.
oh yea lol flash back i remmember how i got my first hiwayman, your effective newb finding techniques led you to me and my freinds farming enc note we were both newbs, and then well you died and i got the car good job dope you are roadkill:P
ammo is cheap, the tears of a dead noob are expensive
ammo is expensive yes, but time, i beg to differ, not worth a newbs tears, i would only put my time in enc with game ready players
but then again you quit because jovanka nerfed stealing 5mm from bos and mfc from enclave, always looking for the easy way huh
newbs are the only game your ready to take on.
of course! i'd rather go right into action, killing everything i see with as little effort as possible, than to wait hours camping reno or any other TC town and getting my ass raped.
and i say again "Newbs are the only Game you Are Ready For" and yes i can agree you would get raped in reno i mean you got pawned by "slap me" in gecko mine
you are fragile man
maybe make BETTER farming alts, not 200HP crap that gets killed by 2 M60 bursts.
im not talking about n00bs im talking about newbs and newbs hp is 85/170 so i guess thats why you only kill newbs
if that noob wanders around a square that's overpopulated by players, i have no option but to kill him as fast as possible.
cant argue with some good initiative

what the fuck are you talking about here? most the hunting parties i wiped out WERE with fully geared players, not to mention the loot NPCs had.
yeah fully geared newbs wiht CA mkII at 12/35% armors real good accomplishment dope you killed a school of newbs
once or twice (maybe!) you died on your voron32 alt, i agree. if i count your other alts, that number could go up exponentially.
you bacame inactive at exactly the same time i built my 2nd alt and i did not even know how to dual logg at that time and i bet you dont even know my alts
i would not be surprised if you thought anybody you killed was me delusional
really, i don't care whether you're pitcher, nomad or santa claus. you tried killing me loads of times with your brothers using dual logs and other cheap backstabbing tactics. but to outsmart someone you need to be smarter yourself which is not the case, obviously.
you still believe in santa claus?
only person craving for attention is you, making a new topic in "gang issues" instead of normally posting pvp screens. not to mention you rape the F3 button everytime you kill something because it happens so rarely you need to document it.
well i have an explanation for that, see im new to fourm and when i saw jackys screens i thought it was only jackys screens so i assumed i had to make my own thread, i admit i did not believe my one enc was worth being a thread but at the time i saw no other alternative, hence im not attention starved