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What can we do - Server Popularity?

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--- Quote from: headshot on June 06, 2013, 01:47:20 am ---FOnline, when we compare it to other games has:
- Poor visuals
- Poor sound

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How those 2 matter? This game simply isn't aimed at current generation. Entire FOnline community has a fixed amount of people. Thinking about fresh blood is daydreaming. Only thing you can do is to prevent current players from leaving.

pacman time!
come join me on mame!


--- Quote from: headshot on June 06, 2013, 01:47:20 am ---
FOnline, when we compare it to other games has:
- Poor visuals
- Poor sound

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Honestly when even the damned Minecraft got so popular between the kids (Althought its much easier to understand the..concept of the game), Graphics and sounds never really mattered in games.

Wow, remind me not to create any more polls where I ask people to help the server...


--- Quote from: marko ---So...you suggest i mine for no use? I mined that much so i could make stuff to sell, to trade, and to use in combat. It takes a lot of ammo to max 40 characters. See this is what you do a lot: you make stuff up. It is as if your mind is overthrown by some evil force and you delight in throwing people off a topic. The topic of this thread is about low player population. It's not another place for you to express your hatred of other players.

Back to topic now, and i look forward to our matches in Hinkley.
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--- Quote from: DeputyDope on June 05, 2013, 07:22:25 pm ---i look forward to seeing your response of what you did to help noobs, and how your presence gets players to stay on the server.

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You pulled marko's card and he comes at you with his old catholic: "this guy must be possessed" bullshit. He used to talk this way about Nightkin/Apox all the time. Way to call his shit. He stole combat armor blueprints he was working to get with a friend of mine early this season then proceeded to hoard them from his entire faction until it was completely devalued by the nerfs. All because of his self righteous whiteknight bullshit he's still pulling to this day.

Then he comes to town control with a mauser just to spite and taunt his allies.

The only reason he had to make 40 bases is because he wanted to and no other faction wanted to put up with this unrealistic bossy hoarder.

All those minerals and he never contributed anything of worth to any faction other than passive aggressive, judgements, authority humping and lets not forget the whining.

He prioritized personal bases not even his RL friends could have access too.

On more than one occasion we tested marko on his claims about always helping newbs.

With RP newb chars we would hunt with marko to test his honesty to some random wastelander newb. He would use them as a hunting partner for farming mundane crafting supplies like brahmin hides and min/ore and caps, offer to SHARE the first tent with the RP newbie, then proceed to skim off the labour of the newbie. Rather than helping the newb to XP up fast by knocking out human NPCs and giving build advice he would use them as cattle and im not surprised if the actual players who experienced this thought fOnline was nothing but a boring click/gather fest.

The reason marko likes new players so damn much is because the old players are sick of his shit and if it wasn't for newbs he would have NO one to hunt with or exploit for his cause.

Even now he's still clearly trying to kiss ass in hopes of becoming a forum gm weeks before the server is going to die for good.
(the audacity of his whiteknightery is truly astounding)
Marko the dev's aren't damsels in distress that need you to save them and neither is this game, at its highest or lowest point.

Your inability to work in a team outside of the pve, gather/crafter environment and your lust for power grabbing made you a cancer for any group foolish enough to trust you.

You're pathetic marko and people who leave a game they enjoy a lot because of you or any pker are even more pathetic than you.


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