Other > Suggestions
Unite Banks
Marika Love:
My first suggestion, a small one that shouldn't be too much work to do.
Like title says, unite banks so that players can have only one account with the FLC and do transactions in any branch they want.
Give a few more options for the joint account, like
-giving certain players ability to withdraw OR deposit, not both.
-giving other players ability to view the accounts balance too.
That's it^^
Nice suggestion, especially about limited access.
Marika Love:
--- Quote from: HelpV1 on June 05, 2013, 11:48:57 pm ---Hmm.. maybe there could be also somekind of paid system?
Like you could paid caps to other account.
This would need bank numbers or maybe just player name is enough.
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The account have numbers already and you can transfer money to other accounts too afaik.
--- Quote from: HelpV1 on June 05, 2013, 11:48:57 pm ---And also when you open account in some town, it could work also in other FLC banks.
--- End quote ---
Thats my suggestion^^, don't steal it from me! :P (jk)
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