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Who spends more time on the forum than they do in game.

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Mr Feltzer:
I haven't played 2238 in at least a year and yet Im still active on the forum.
what do


--- Quote from: Mr Feltzer on May 30, 2013, 08:11:24 am ---Me.
I haven't played 2238 in at least a year and yet Im still active on the forum.
what do

--- End quote ---

forum pvp best kind of pvp.

Im both active ingame and on forum. Anyway it may be good to see you ingame feltzer.

Mr Feltzer:

--- Quote from: sHoW. on May 30, 2013, 09:18:07 am ---Im both active ingame and on forum. Anyway it may be good to see you ingame feltzer.

--- End quote ---

No can do friend. Me and the Team are much too active developing our game. ( Its going well though, I cant wait to make a thread about it in the future. )


--- Quote ---Who spends more time on the forum than they do in game.
--- End quote ---


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