Other > Suggestions

Trade House

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I`m tired of sending multiple messages about terms of trades, being forced to trust the other person in trade or even finding time when both sides are online. Selling stuff like Bozar it totall pain in the ass.

We need some good trade system and we need it ASAP.

Suggested like... hundreds...? of times.

the underground:
I'd like know WHATYOU'D like to see.....
Play-pretend with me a second. I just made you master dev. What would you do?


--- Quote from: xsarq on May 29, 2013, 03:10:43 pm ---trust the other person in trade
--- End quote ---

But that's part of the fun, isn't it? As a trader you have to work on your reputation and keep track of others.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on May 30, 2013, 05:28:39 am ---But that's part of the fun, isn't it?

--- End quote ---
yes I enjoy this aspect but wont I do not like is when a cannot do a trade because of a huge difference in time zones. That is why we need a trading system because you cant always trade with another person because of real life factors.


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