If I didn't have treasure hunter, what would have been in there?!?!?!!!!
Just go play another game.It's ded, gaem over! NADAL, DEVS DING NONG
Treasure Hunter makes you find less loot from trunks, this IS PROVEN. It's been like this since February of last year, and there's no reason to believe it's ever going to be changed.
There have been 1 or 2 attempts to fix it I think.
if(cr.Perk[PE_TREASURE_HUNTER]>0){ array<Item@> items; for(uint i=0,j=chest.GetItems(0,items);i<j;i++) { if(items[i].IsStackable()) items[i].SetCount((items[i].GetCount()*23)/20); else if(Random(1,100)<=15) chest.AddItem(items[i].GetProtoId(),1,0); }}
And if treasure hunter doesn't work
Code: [Select]if(cr.Perk[PE_TREASURE_HUNTER]>0){ array<Item@> items; for(uint i=0,j=chest.GetItems(0,items);i<j;i++) { if(items[i].IsStackable()) items[i].SetCount((items[i].GetCount()*23)/20); else if(Random(1,100)<=15) chest.AddItem(items[i].GetProtoId(),1,0); }}
if(items[i].IsStackable()) items[i].SetCount((items[i].GetCount()*23)/20);
if(cr.Perk[PE_TREASURE_HUNTER]>0){ array<Item@> items; for(uint i=0,j=chest.GetItems(0,items);i<j;i++) { if(items[i].IsStackable()) items[i].SetCount((items[i].GetCount()*2); else if(Random(100,300)<=15) chest.AddItem(items[i].GetProtoId(),1,0); }}
on the other hand, in c++ 7/9*9 is 0 so