FOnline Development > 3D Development

Problems porting weapons to FOnline

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I'm using Revison 404.
I can't figure this out. I found this M16 off the internet and can't figure out how to make it show up in my FOnline Setup.

I opened the item.lst and added the following:

--- Code: ---873  PID_COLT_M16
--- End code ---

Copied ID #23 [Assault Rifle] in weapon.fopro and changed the ProtoID to 873.
It shows up in the inventory when I use the console.
Then followed this tutorial:,26833.0.html?PHPSESSID=29qlpetphm1resckcen20nnbg3
Got to the part where you edit _FOHuman.fo3d.
The thing that throws me off is, there is no _FOHuman.fo3d in my client folder, just _VBHuman.fo3d. Am I supposed to edit that?
What else am I doing wrong?

Luther Blissett:
The main thing is simply that the 3D stuff being done on here is not part of the main Fonline repo - so revision 404 from will not contain any of our 3D models or setup files (including FOHuman.fo3d etc. The 3D bits included in the main Fonline repo are the Van Buren models etc.

The main 3D repo for our stuff (the "Karpov model", following the shape of original Fallout sprites) is at

You may find also that our 3D stuff currently won't work well with the newer SDK revisions (see Need help getting Karpov era 3D models to work with newer SDK revisions and Porting to the latest SDK; big trouble - though it will do eventually.

I wrote this #1 - Setting up 3D SDK a little while back, which though probably a bit out of date, should help you get started. May be worth having a read through the other tutorials and a few other threads in this forum to fill in any more recent changes.

Hope that helps - please ask again if you're still having problems :)

1) How do I load multiple textures to the model in the Client?

2) How do I get the game to load the model when I equip the weapon? So far, only ~param command loads it.

Luther Blissett:
1) I don't think there's a client command to simply change texture. You'd need to add an extra value into _FOHuman.fo3d for each texture, for example :

--- Code: ---# Head --------------------------
Layer 4
Value 27 Root Attach Armor_%anim%_dusterhat.x Texture 0 Armor_male_cowboyhat_brown.png
Value 28 Root Attach Armor_%anim%_dusterhat.x Texture 0 Armor_male_cowboyhat_black.png
--- End code ---

That would mean param 0 154 27 gave you a hat with brown texture, 0 154 28 with black texture. It should be possible to change the colours by script, but I think they'd still rely upon separate values in the fo3d.

2) You need to change some stuff in \scripts\client_main.fos. Should be described somewhere near here -,26833.msg232944.html#msg232944
The file upload mentioned in that link has expired. I have reuploaded to You can probably just drop that file "as is" into your own \scripts\ folder, and it will magically work.

The script you gave me relies on start_server_client.fos (I think that's the name), which is no longer provided in the repository.

I also noticed that the game cannot load multiple textures to one object, the game can only load one texture for one object, Texture 0. Texture 1,2,3... won't load. Any way to fix this?


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