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Tla mkii pvp builds compilation


Personally,i am experiencing random pvp in the russian wasteland in an unusual way.My character is the most classical avenger crit gunner,and i more than often meet player wich are SKY HIGH stronger than me.What am i doing wrong..?I shoot fast,i crit alot,i have ~550 hp,So i am wondering,what kind of build do 2238 users use..?

You need good weapon and good armor


--- Quote from: Rain on May 18, 2013, 01:52:03 am ---Personally,i am experiencing random pvp in the russian wasteland in an unusual way.My character is the most classical avenger crit gunner,and i more than often meet player wich are SKY HIGH stronger than me.What am i doing wrong..?I shoot fast,i crit alot,i have ~550 hp,So i am wondering,what kind of build do 2238 users use..?

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At crit burster, do you have fast shoot?

dont take fast shot when u are making a crit burster


--- Quote from: FrankenStone on May 18, 2013, 01:43:00 pm ---dont take fast shot when u are making a crit burster

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On the contrary,some pvp guys told me *there is no pvp with no fast shot*,because it lowers crit rolls (so no really humungous crits) but not the crit chance,so you can still crit alot and still shoot faster..lower critical damage is not such a big issue,since bombard do 600 and more crit damage with a shot on armoured character,and major bg guns just a little less.


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