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A liar, coward.

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--- Quote from: JovankaB on May 16, 2013, 08:38:57 pm ---What free items?

--- End quote ---
The bases you gave to you know who for free filled with bunch of stuff, also all those skins.

Also that BoS flag with a special description, or how about that special necklace you gave to someone but ended up losing it later.

and I think you know who I'm talking about

You forgot Pola..i mean cookies.

Once again screens or didn`t happen.


--- Quote from: xsarq on May 17, 2013, 09:18:43 am ---You forgot Pola..i mean cookies.

Once again screens or didn`t happen.

--- End quote ---
You also believe that politicians don't steal goverment's money because there's no "screens"?

As long as there is no proff i have no reason to believe in any bullshit i read on forum or internet.
The Politicians scams are revealed by reporters in many cases so there are "screenes".

Mike Crosser:
I once saw a glowing BoS pole inside some guys base.
He also had a super mutant skin.

Don't know what to make of that.


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