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Author Topic: A Merchant's guide  (Read 2008 times)

A Merchant's guide
« on: May 11, 2013, 10:56:00 pm »

Ok, so I was a little fed up with the page being out of date. I've taken up more to trading with merchants for weapons rather than spending days farming out blueprints just to find useless crap like super stimpak

Long story short, I've been trekking across the wastelands to document what most merchants are interested in. I'm lacking a lot of information, but what I do have is far more accurate and detailed than the current wiki page. Particularly, I am missing who buys energy weapons entirely, more detailed information on resources (someone told me pretty much everyone buys gecko pelts, while my "resources" i was selling was just good metal and sometimes gunpowder) I am posting this information share with everyone, even though it would probably mean more competition at the merchants for myself, I am most interested in discovery and sharing of information.

Please excuse the extremely poor formatting and vagueness of some of the descriptions, I was basically writing entries into a notepad document as I came across them, over the spread of a couple of days, so there are some rather large inconsistencies.

Again, this is lacking some information such as a more detailed approach of what "resources" (I just used good metal parts) and energy weapons entirely. I may have skipped a check for big guns in some of the places as well (dying and losing what few big guns I did have didn't help). Oh and a special note, be wary of what merchants are listed as selling, as player taint can be misleading. Whenever I say player taint, I just mean it seems like weapons that players have sold to the merchants. Typically if the weapons are 100%/100% I assume it is a standard item the merchant restocks, although i didn't always check thoroughly.

Oh special thanks to hoot/miklos, who killed me, but then let me pick stuff back up and keep testing (even showed me a good merchant I wasn't aware of in broken hills)

If anyone is interested, they're free to add to this, edit it, make it available on the wiki, etc. I might get around to editing it and cleaning it up for consistency, but as it is now it is a jumbled mess that I wrote up as I took information.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 01:19:50 am by Admiral Zombie »

Mike Crosser

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Re: A Merchant's guide
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2013, 11:48:56 pm »

The midget in the Hub pays like a maniac for BBs.
All you need is a few junk parts and boom you can buy anything.

Back when I didn't know farming/crafting even existed I used to get most of my weapons this way.

Nice job on the list.
Re: A Merchant's guide
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2013, 02:21:23 am »

Yeah i mentioned this to a handful of people, but so far my general theories goes as is

Merchants don't care for the broad subject of "Big guns vs small guns vs energy weapons"

What they do seem to care about are things like "rifles" vs "pistols" vs "shotguns"

I want to say there were a few merchants who were interested in miniguns but not bazookas, but that was rare...i think? I didn't start testing with bazookas until the later quarter or so.

Ammo seems to fall into a category of "small guns" vs "other stuff i didn't test extensively" but there were some weird exceptions, a few merchants who didn't want 14mm but were fine with shotgun shells...or something like that. I don't know what 5mm is considered, it is used by both big guns and small guns, it is accepted by some merchants but not others who accept 14mm. I mention 14mm a lot, mainly because it is what i almost always had on hand. Shotgun shells were used commonly at the same time.

Prices vary from merchant to merchant. With the same character 14mm ammo can be 1200 or 800caps.


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Re: A Merchant's guide
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2013, 12:48:06 pm »

I suggest making a 120% - 150% barter character, with some outdoorsman, to be able to get to any city, also I recommend to not trade with 100% condition items, because they should be used by players, imho, not by npc,s instead u can sell farmed items, for almost same price.


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Re: A Merchant's guide
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2013, 01:48:55 pm »

broken hills chemist having supper cattle prod was my little influence - sold like 10 of them to him when i abonded my miner-meele plan.

Other than that i`m middle of doing something simillar on wiki.

Its a really long-term plan though. I nearly done with gathering things and now i`m in middle of working with templates.

Other than that theres also my guide for bartering here:,28517.0.html
Scamers: Grimmi
Beware of trading with this person.
Re: A Merchant's guide
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2013, 01:24:02 pm »

Important to mention for BG crafters.
M60 can be sold in Caravan shop and Liz shop in broken hills.
43xx caps with 150 barter. (nice to exchange for plasma grenade, plasma rifle, brand new combat shotgun..)
Doesnt matter if its full condition or not as its a joke to craft these.
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