Other > Gang Issues

A new bounty!!!!

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the underground:
And I'm laughing at the illiterates reading the thread...... why bother trying to write properly if y'all ain't gunnu read it always?! Lolz qwertymnnbv!

-Max Payne-:

--- Quote from: DeputyDope on May 16, 2013, 06:14:30 pm ---he thinks people give a shit about his problems with PKers.

--- End quote ---

lol, yeah probably, he must know that he must solve his problems alone on the game..

Btw i can help, and always enjoy help players but i dont will do that for just 500 caps lol.

the underground:

--- Quote from: -Max Payne- on May 16, 2013, 11:01:36 pm ---Btw i can help, and always enjoy help players but i dont will do that for just 500 caps lol.

--- End quote ---
Interesting, seeing as a dead bounty is 1000-1500..... I'd say 500 is already overpriced.


--- Quote from: the underground on May 16, 2013, 11:01:32 pm ---And I'm laughing at the illiterates reading the thread...... why bother trying to write properly if y'all ain't gunnu read it always?! Lolz qwertymnnbv!

--- End quote ---
Actually I don't know if you were talking about me. But if it's so, keep in mind that english isn't my main language, nor my second one and I can make mistakes sometimes.

TMA ModMic:
No one will help you to kill (or whatever do you want to do with him) these guy for 500 Caps...

When I would make a bounty hunt, I would offer 5-10k Caps, but for me it's more funnier to kill the guy myself...

So good luck to this thread...

Greetings ModMic.  ::)

English is also not my main language... ;-)


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