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Author Topic: Help With Gatling Laser Build  (Read 6885 times)

Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2013, 10:02:36 pm »

Don't want to lower my damage resistance.
Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2013, 10:04:46 pm »

But you would shoot faster, 7 Ap, that lets you 3 ap and you have to wait for 4 AP to regenerate. With Brof, 6 AP, thats 4 AP left and you only need another 2 to shoot. Maybe its better to take something else but i think this is useful. And if you want criticals you need to shoot a lot (you will need to shoot 4 times before you score a critical, more or less)
Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2013, 10:05:59 pm »

True. I will rebuild the character later.
Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2013, 10:06:08 pm »

Physco is your friend if you want damage resistance
Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2013, 10:28:05 pm »

With those drugs: jet, psycho, buffout, nukacola, cigarettes, you get +2AP, which means 4 SPECIAL points. No disadvantages.
You can create a 2 shot critical build or a tank... 4 SPECIALs are a lot.
Here something I made quickly:

I'm sure it's possible to tune it up somehow, like getting a bigger critical chance through resigning from Weapon Handling and stuff... But that requires some maths = thinking + time, I don't have those currently :P
Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2013, 10:30:46 pm »

Thanks a lot, man. I'll definitely use something like this when I rebuild.


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Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2013, 10:33:22 pm »

I would instead go for 20% crit chance, 15% is too low.
Get EN to 8, don't take Better crits, take one more lifegiver, give those two points more to ST.
Kaboom, you got 258 hp 20% critchance focker.
Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2013, 11:14:37 pm »

Better criticals is a must have. You will need armor bypass if you want to kill enemies.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 11:16:50 pm by Furior »
Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2013, 11:17:00 pm »

I wouldn't abandon Better Criticals, especially when you've got Spray and Pray which ignores armour critical modifiers(overpowered, by the way).
I'd use the fact that even when lacking strenght you have enough hit chance... Lets see.
I'm assuming we're shooting a target with a good armor = no AC.
We don't take Weapon Handling - More Criticals instead. 38 hexes is our max range because of 6 PE after drugs(would be gatling's 40 but 2 hexes is not that much).
with 206% EW(I assume at least 100% doc) we have 78% chance to hit at 38 hexes. 34 hexes is 94%.
I'm not sure if it's enough actually, but we could risk.

Aaaanyway, 5% crit chance is a very small difference :p Think about this: there's actually only 5% chance it's gonna make a difference(with 15% we roll 0-14 to crit, 15-99 no crit; with 20% we roll 0-19 to crit, 20-99 no crit; so the difference part is 15-19). It's just like the chance that you miss a target with 95% tohit :p

There's yet another way to deal with the problem: lower your luck by 1, put it into strenght. You gain 4% critical chance(yay), so it's 19% now. Also you've got 95% tohit. But I heard luck is important in defensive manner, so there's another dillema we have...(4 luck against 5 luck seems a very small difference though)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 11:23:12 pm by Floodnik »


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Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2013, 11:28:34 pm »

MRD on a gatling build? That's bad, Bonus Ranged Damage is worth only with avenger builds. And since your build has to be a critical one, it's based on critical chance/damage, not on normal damage.
FCP isn't working for me at the moment. But I managed to do this anyway:

Traits: Small Frame - Bonehead
S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: 06 - 08 - 08 - 01 - 02 - 10 - 05 (those are stats with Bonehead and Small Frame taken)
PERKS: Quick Recovery - Even More Critical - Spray and Pray - Even tougher - Lifegiver - Lifegiver+ - BROF - Lifegiver++
Full drugged of course. Cigs+Nuka+Jet+Psycho+Buff

This one works perfectly.
Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2013, 11:43:58 pm »

Oh boy, but you didn't take Better Criticals and you've got 15% crit chance, this is even worse ;)

Firstly, MRD is 3 extra damage applied to every bullet. We've got 10 of them in Gatling's burst. Now multiply this damage with a critical effect ;d
Secondly, IMO Even Tougher is not such a good perk - it only applies to normal damage. If I wanted to make a tank build though, I'd make one, go full tank with toughnesses and psycho(no jet)...

Assuming we don't have to take MRD, it's easy :P
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 11:45:48 pm by Floodnik »


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Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2013, 11:53:05 pm »

Better Criticals? What for? This isn't a sniper. When you make a critical burst with Gatling, your target is dead in 8 cases out of 10, even without Better Critical. And if you don't want to take Even Tougher, take Adr. Rush instead.
Actually, I don't know what kind of build MrWillsauce was looking for. We have to discern Gatling Crit from Gatling Tank. The first one was meant to deal as much damage as possible, the second one to last as much as possible in battle. There isn't a good 'hybrid' between those, so he has to pick one.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 12:12:36 am by Dark. »
Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2013, 12:19:39 am »

I have Better crit and spray&pray and i dont kill in 8 cases out of your builds must be awesome


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Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2013, 07:21:54 am »

Oh boy, but you didn't take Better Criticals and you've got 15% crit chance, this is even worse ;)

Firstly, MRD is 3 extra damage applied to every bullet. We've got 10 of them in Gatling's burst. Now multiply this damage with a critical effect ;d
Secondly, IMO Even Tougher is not such a good perk - it only applies to normal damage. If I wanted to make a tank build though, I'd make one, go full tank with toughnesses and psycho(no jet)...

Assuming we don't have to take MRD, it's easy :P

Omg what else im gona see in this forum.Mrd doesnt aply on on u know y?no 1 told u here?from 10 bulets eatch burst 4 max hit the target.what does it mean?4 x 3=12 dmg more.its shit.pick other perk
Re: Help With Gatling Laser Build
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2013, 09:48:47 am »

from 10 bulets eatch burst 4 max hit the target.what does it mean?4 x 3=12 dmg more.its shit.pick other perk
So it does or doesn't apply? First you say it doesn't, then you prove it does. Good job.
Also when you burst at point blank every bullet hits.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 09:50:30 am by Floodnik »
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