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Help With Gatling Laser Build
how might this be improved?
i cant see the build, just the FCP menu.
It looks good to me. Good job. Question: did you plan to use Jet? Psycho? (beer?)
I just did a gatling user build and i went a different direction, planning to use Psycho and beer for max DR. I gave my guy high PE to compensate but he still has Sight 41 after drugs. Strength 1 with Weapon Handling, but effective ST 6 on drugs. He's not a crit guy though. He's fast with 12 AP and BRoF. Yes to SnP. Had to use a perk on Carry Weight. He ends with low hit points, high DR. Whereas yours ends with lower DR but higher hp.
Perhaps I should have made the build capable of two bursts per turn so as to get the most out of my high crit chance. I don't plan on using any drugs.
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