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Author Topic: Basic TC Guide.  (Read 1262 times)


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Basic TC Guide.
« on: May 11, 2013, 11:34:49 am »

In this guide I'll show you basic's of TC, how it works, what you need to do it, and what you get for it?
Town Control, is the only one mode in which you can meet some other players in faction and beat them, eventually getting loot from them, fun, and TC box reward.
Getting ready:
First, you need a proper PVP build(taking the drug set of course: jet, buffout, cola, psycho, cigs), you can search on forum for a proper one, but basic ones are:
Rocketer Tank (number of 2 - 3)
BG Burster (numer of 2 - 3)
SG Sniper (number of 1 - 2)
Sneaker Scout (number of 1 - 2)
Other builds are optionall and/but recommended, such like Gatling Laser Burster, BG Critical burster, Laser sniper and so on.
If you're gonna do the TC, first you should read my Farming Guide, and farm much stuff, repair it to be usable and then you'll be ready to go.
Minimum number of TC team's members is 5.
If you'll have only 6 guys (that minimum I guess), take one sneak scout, two rocketers, two bursters and one sniper.

You can find various builds on forum, or ask me to do some, but I won't post them there, because other PvP involved guys will have different opinion about them and this may become trashcan.

If you're really ready with your team, choose the most competetive, and eloquent dude to lead your team.

Basic tips:
- Scout the town before you do the TC, of course with bluesuit to not disguise yourself to enemies
- If you're attacking team, do not ever spawn on downtown when you do not have scouted the area before
- Do not leave the TC zone to rush one bluesuit.
- Wait till your idling time is over, then enter town.
- Use voice comunicator, TS3 is recommended.
-Try to stand withing 5 hexes from your comrades, no less, no more, because they'll need you maybe to heal them up or to not getting shot by rocket.
- Use onehex tactic if you're sure that your rocketer won't blow you up ( ;D)
Take drugs when you're still on World Map, a moment before you enter the town.
- Remember that if you're slaver in some cities, got intelligence >3 you won't start the timer.
- If the timer is over, regroup near the grid and exit the town.
- Loot the TC box while you're on bluesuit.
- If there is still loot on the ground, secure your looter guy to take it, and science the stuff you do not need, and to not lose much time, leave the town.
- Train with your team sometimes on Hinkley, testing new tactics.
- Get tent near every city you'll do TCs, with at least 3 sets of gear to be ready for every opportunity.

I guess those tips are those "main thingies" you need to know, I hope some PvP players will add some also.
To encourage you, there is 30 minutes afking in BH loot:

Later I'll add some builds, but for now, If someone wishes, you can add builds there by yourself (those example ones).

« Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 12:06:24 pm by Tomowolf »
Re: Basic TC Guide.
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2013, 02:03:24 pm »

Very good guide Tomowolf, I will add a few things that haven't been mentioned:
  • Character - max level which is 24 is a must, also going for less than 190 hp is not recommended for new pvp players (try to have as many hit points as you can, 280-290 is max you can get)
  • Gear - weapon + armor, both over 50% condition (otherwise you won't be able to take town), I recommend using gatling lasers, avenger miniguns, bazookas, plasma rifles, m60s, LSWs, sniper rifles and discourage you from using laser rifles or any kind of pistols (except of gauss pistols).
  • Town - you need 5 players to start the timer, however in Klamath or Modoc1 you need only 4. So if you are a really small group and want to try TC then try one of these two towns.
  • Tactics - there are some basic rules you should always follow:
    • use at least one sneaker or a bluesuit scout
    • use snipers at open space and try to avoid close-combat situations
    • use bazooka and gatling laser builds with anti-sniper perks (stonewall, man of steel or quick recovery) at open field against snipers and other tank builds
    • use avengers and plasma rifles at close and middle range
    Building camping is not recommended since it can turn into a death trap, try to have some way out in case of retreat.
  • Essentials - take at least 5 superstimpaks, ammo for at least 15 bursts, a lighter and a combat helmet.
Be prepared for two things, you will die a lot if you decide to try pvp and you will lose plenty of stuff. After some time you'll get better and maybe start winning, but you will be still forced to farm or craft stuff. Stuff obtaining is part of the game, if you enjoy it then you should be ok with that.

1 Modoc needs a character with 3 charisma that is not a slaver.
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