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No way to kite in RT play (PVP)

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Kiting is possible and is a popular method to level on fast and hard enemies like Floaters and Centaurs. Its just needed two players for that. One aggroes the mobs, other gains XP.

Admiral Zombie:

--- Quote ---you can't "Kite" (Constantly running from your enemy and keeping them out of range while dealing damage to them).
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---He told me that all MMORPGs are based on kitting
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---without it there is no point in playing PVP because it just a matter of who shoots first...
--- End quote ---

These are the 3 reasons I say he is an idiot. Although idiot is perhaps a bit strong of a word, I simply mean he is wrong and fairly foolish. There is far more to PvP in any game beyond twitch play vs kiting (as I mentioned, positional play, build design, etc). The game clearly is far more than just twitch play, even the most common MMOs are pretty far from just kiting, and the previously mentioned aspects of PvP i listed.

Mention to your friend specifically the fact that there is more to PvP than kiting or twitch play, specifically mentioning positional play, build design, etc. It is kind of hard to argue with someone when that person is being defended by proxy, perhaps there is more to it we don't know yet, but so far what we've heard he seems pretty oblivious.

In PvP kiting can be pretty hard, although just remember that you can have allies who stand still while they chase you and shoots at them, that's a clear example of kiting. In PvE it is typically more about abusing AI movespeed and attack targeting.

EDIT: I was warned for this post and calling someone an idiot...I'm imagining a lot of warning will be going out in this thread.

Reading the posts of this TS, I feel rage overflowing me. It's just a troll or a complete idiot.
Joy overflows me, for I've just noticed other players, right above my post calling him an idiot.

How to kite - shoot someone in the leg thus crippling them. Once crippled, their movement speed is lower than yours allowing you to still run and gain an advantage. That's the pro of playing a sniper build.

Why would someone chase you if you keep damaging them and they can't reach you? Your friend is a retard.


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