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Author Topic: Farming Guide.  (Read 5670 times)

Re: Farming Guide.
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2013, 09:27:19 pm »

Kamikaze + all AC perks (do not take the HtH AC perks)=140 AC wearing CA mkII, which means -140 to enemies skill. NCPs dont usually have more than 160 so to hit you they have to get closer (enclave and mutants will raped you, havent tried BoS). Thats a huge adventage.
NCR army riflemans needs a distance of 12 hex(not sure,Its been ages since I last played with that char) to be able to shoot you ( if they shoot they will hit you, if they dont have a good % they just move closer)
P.S. Can someone tell me if the build I linked some post ago will be useful? Or should i change something?
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 09:33:47 pm by Furior »
Re: Farming Guide.
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2013, 09:56:28 pm »

Ok, so farming NCR army with a bigguner who have 1 luck?? Do you know that ncr army shoot everytime in head, arm, or groin? If you are knock out alone what do you do?


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Re: Farming Guide.
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2013, 09:58:49 pm »

Ok, so farming NCR army with a bigguner who have 1 luck?? Do you know that ncr army shoot everytime in head, arm, or groin? If you are knock out alone what do you do?
The BG posted in the first post does have 3 luck, please read carefully.

Re: Farming Guide.
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2013, 02:28:28 am »

Kamikaze + all AC perks (do not take the HtH AC perks)=140 AC wearing CA mkII, which means -140 to enemies skill. NCPs dont usually have more than 160 so to hit you they have to get closer (enclave and mutants will raped you, havent tried BoS). Thats a huge adventage.
NCR army riflemans needs a distance of 12 hex(not sure,Its been ages since I last played with that char) to be able to shoot you ( if they shoot they will hit you, if they dont have a good % they just move closer)
P.S. Can someone tell me if the build I linked some post ago will be useful? Or should i change something?

Oh ok, that actually makes a lot more sense than I realized. I had been hoping for a build where they couldn't hit you at all, but a build that requires them to rush you far closer is very good as well.

For advice on your build, why do you use 6STR and weapon handling? 5STR + weapon handling is enough for any weapon. I'm assuming you'll be using nuka cola, but with that extra point from less str you can get a full 10agility.

Also why bonus move?

I haven't farmed BoS or enclave, so I don't know how often they get criticals, so I'm not so sure of man of steel either. I would think between this and the bonus move you might as well get toughness so their minigun users don't hurt quite as much (note: laser and rockets aren't affected by toughness perks, so their usefulness isn't perfect)

And then unless you're farming just the BoS initiates, most BoS and enclave wear power armor which you can't loot, so destroying their armor isn't something to worry about, so the small guns is questionable. First aid is always helpful to heal between battles without relying on more drugs, or to heal in combat if you're fighting in real time.

And I would personally agree that adrenaline rush is more useful than even tougher, as it affects all DR and DT I believe, whereas toughness is only for normal damage (BoS and enclave have a wide range of damage types). Perhaps for builds with less HP even tougher is better, but if you have max endurance and max lifegiver I would suggest adrenaline rush.
Re: Farming Guide.
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2013, 04:01:26 am »

Do you mind expanding on this build a little? I tried a high AC build myself, and while still at 100AC even molerats were still hitting me very consistently (Then again I never thought to compare melee to ranged attacks, now that I think about it I need to test this further as now that I think about it it was always melee critters that were being a problem)

But the bigger problem is that if an NPC can't hit you, they usually just run away (which causes another glitch in TB where the NPC doesn't use up all of their AP while running, and then you have to wait 30 second for their turn to end)
- Try a gunner (I prefer 14mm pistol for armor piercing )
  + AG 10, Kamikaze, Livewire, Dodger + (and Dodger if you want to wear high tier Armor),2 AB and Bonus move
  + Need some LK for avoiding critical miss
  + EN is not important, because NPC rarely hits you (dont stay too close to sniper/RL/Hunting rife/AR guy).
  + In your turn, move at least 5 hex (the distance, not the spent AP) for AC, you have 9 AP for shooting.

- Molerats always hit my high AC alt too, dont know why, maybe it is an exception.
- For NCR Army, The Unity and VC, NPC always chase you, not running away except the crippled NPC and Leather Armor NPC

« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 04:03:00 am by gauvaran »
Re: Farming Guide.
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2013, 05:14:17 am »

- Try a gunner (I prefer 14mm pistol for armor piercing )
  + AG 10, Kamikaze, Livewire, Dodger + (and Dodger if you want to wear high tier Armor),2 AB and Bonus move
  + Need some LK for avoiding critical miss
  + EN is not important, because NPC rarely hits you (dont stay too close to sniper/RL/Hunting rife/AR guy).
  + In your turn, move at least 5 hex (the distance, not the spent AP) for AC, you have 9 AP for shooting.

- Molerats always hit my high AC alt too, dont know why, maybe it is an exception.
- For NCR Army, The Unity and VC, NPC always chase you, not running away except the crippled NPC and Leather Armor NPC

Well I feel like a fool as that seems too obvious now in retrospect. I tried to make a melee AC build, but the real advantage is when you're keeping a good distance away. I'll have to remake the character and try fiddling with this. Thanks.

EDIT: Out of curiosity, do they just try and get in range to shoot, or are the shots they're making usually missing?
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 07:19:34 am by Admiral Zombie »
Re: Farming Guide.
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2013, 09:48:32 am »

For advice on your build, why do you use 6STR and weapon handling? 5STR + weapon handling is enough for any weapon. I'm assuming you'll be using nuka cola, but with that extra point from less str you can get a full 10agility.
Also why bonus move?

I'll use jet to reach the 12 ap. Double burst let you kill 1 enclave/bos in the first turn. And bonus move its a must have when playing with TB burster, it let 1 hex the enemy without spending your precious AP, so you dont lose the 2nd burst.

I want SG cos ill kill other encs (ncr army) with that character too, though its mainly for BoS/Enclance

Out of curiosity, do they just try and get in range to shoot, or are the shots they're making usually missing?

They dont shoot unless they have a good hit %. If they shoot theyll probably hit you. Laser mutants and Enclave with ew weapons has a lot of skill so they will hit you at long range. Forged about double burst if you make AC bg, you will have to shoot and move each turn.

Anyway i think im going to take 2 BRD, thats a lot of damage and will help to save ammo (less shots per turn)!id=9116 It uses jet,nuka and cig.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 10:39:21 am by Furior »
Re: Farming Guide.
« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2013, 11:09:58 am »!id=9116 It uses jet,nuka and cig.
It could be improved a bit: using mentats for doing Gun Runner quest (+ 15% SG?)
Correct me if i was wrong
Re: Farming Guide.
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2013, 10:18:34 pm »

Those who know my character Blackhawk also know i have extensive experience with player an AC character.
Here are a few tips:

1: The best trait combination for 140 ac is kamikazee, liwewire, dodger +. If you want to use CA MK II take dodger (rank 1) aswell. Having 120 AC is pointless, trust me. Either go 140 or nothing.

2: For TB you character should have an uneven number of action points, such as 9 / 11 / 13. This is because, in order to get the ac bonus you can only use less than half your AP. With 11 AP you can use 5 AP and still retain AC bonus in TB. If you want to burst BG you need 13 AP to retain AC.

3: NCR Rangers, VC and Hub patrols cant hit you and will run away, with exception of shotgun (+20 hit), needle gun, 14mm and flamethrower users. They will only try shooting at 1 hex though. Sniper Rifle users will try to shoot at ~10 hex, but will miss alot. NCR army hunting rifle users will allso try to shoot at ~10 hex, but they miss alot too. The good thing is, the build starts working alredy at lvl 15 (dodger+) which means rangers, hub and vc patrol cannot kill you.

4: Because people miss alot, jinxed is a good trait, even in PvE.

THAT BEING SAID: Sure you can farm these mobs with a 10mm in bluesuit, but the AC bug makes this method panfully slow; When critters cant hit they run. When they reach the grid they will freeze, and use all their time (30 seconds someone said) EACH TURN. Imagine you have to wait for 4-5 VC patrol to each use 30 seconds, each turn, while you can only shoot once to retain your AC.

Conclusion: Dont farm with AC build until the bug is fixed.

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