FOnline Development > General Discussion

Mapper mockup

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So, i failed.

My plan on extracting images of scenery with PIDs for mockup mapping (planning a map) failed due to colour fuckup, antialiasing (since i made screenshots directly from scenery selection in mapper) and unability to line up images in rows.
Do you have any ideas how it can be done better? Can the selection window be made bigger?


--- Quote from: Alvarez on May 09, 2013, 02:12:59 am ---Can the selection window be made bigger?
--- End quote ---

Sure it can :) and it's not even very difficult:

Mapper interface is defined in Mapper\data\mapper_default.ini, you can change position
and size of ui elements there (and their look if you change the graphics). The property
you look for is ObjWork and maybe ObjMain.

Mapper window size is the same as client resolution - you can set any width or height
by editing ScreenWidth and ScreenHeight in Client\FOnline.cfg. Make it as big as you can.

Unfortunately I don't think you can make multiple rows this way. You would have to make
your own selection window with scripts, which is "a little" more complicated.

A REALLY better way to do it would be writing an application that takes proto ids and
their graphics from all protos and makes a big image from it, but you would need a
programmer for this if you can't do it yourself :(

PS. While I understand how it could be useful to have a big gallery of available protos,
I'm not sure why would you need it to plan a map. I think all you need is to know roughly
what the Mapper has to offer, then a sketch should be IMHO sufficient. Making 1:1 mockups
from actual graphics seems to me like an overkill, you could just do the map...

Making a 1:1 mockup with the mapper is a bad idea- then you could simply create the actual map right away. ;)


--- Quote from: JovankaB on May 09, 2013, 05:34:17 am ---Sure it can :) and it's not even very difficult:

Mapper interface is defined in Mapper\data\mapper_default.ini, you can change position
and size of ui elements there (and their look if you change the graphics). The property
you look for is ObjWork and maybe ObjMain.

--- End quote ---

Yes, i managed to put the Main and console on top for jokes. The selection window i made transparent so one can "preview" the tile on the map, e.g. for a color match.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on May 09, 2013, 05:34:17 am ---Mapper window size is the same as client resolution - you can set any width or height
by editing ScreenWidth and ScreenHeight in Client\FOnline.cfg. Make it as big as you can.

--- End quote ---
That's good to know, sadly one cannot zoom on tiles. Works with map zoom, though.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on May 09, 2013, 05:34:17 am ---Unfortunately I don't think you can make multiple rows this way. You would have to make
your own selection window with scripts, which is "a little" more complicated.

--- End quote ---
With the code, maybe. But actually i see a few customizing possibilities with the graphics and the init file edits, i think, i'll experiment with transparency and buttons positions a bit. :)

--- Quote from: JovankaB on May 09, 2013, 05:34:17 am ---A REALLY better way to do it would be writing an application that takes proto ids and
their graphics from all protos and makes a big image from it, but you would need a
programmer for this if you can't do it yourself :(

--- End quote ---
This is actually what i tried to do, to make a PID map resembling Pixote's collection of Fallout artwork by automatising the screencapping process in Mapper on 225' blue background with a mouse recorder, autocropping and spritesheeting into long strips, which are supposed to be cut in one big image.
I think i screwed the autoaliasing and coloring in progress, maybe will repeat it another day.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on May 09, 2013, 05:34:17 am ---PS. While I understand how it could be useful to have a big gallery of available protos,
I'm not sure why would you need it to plan a map. I think all you need is to know roughly
what the Mapper has to offer, then a sketch should be IMHO sufficient. Making 1:1 mockups
from actual graphics seems to me like an overkill, you could just do the map...

--- End quote ---

I think i got used too much to Photoshop or Sai Painter interface - to actually paint the map from elements (roads, buildings, walls) made from connected tiles like in Age of Empires map editor - it was an alluring thought. So knowing the impossibility of this, i was thinking of a reference picture with PID comments of single tiles to arrange them in proper fashion in e.g. a Cathedral rather than waste time by puzzling them together.

Also, Lexx, i think you'll understand that. It's about the efficiency.

So what you actually mean are templates? Pre-defined cluster of tiles and protos, which you can place as you wish.

That's a feature I requested quite some time ago, but it was never done. I've made myself a template map with various buildings and other stuff back then and copy&pasted things out of it. Sadly, I lost the file at some point...


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