Other > Faction Announcements

Mountain Howlers ( new players /pve / hunt party / farming / crafter faction )

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Hi all! ( first of all sorry for my bad english)

I want to present my new faction called  "The mountain Howlers". This is a non pvp faction, just a place for players who like hunt in parties, then what we farm can be used for crafting or trade with npcs.

We are not pk's, this doesn t mean that we don t have to be strong to protect us and our people from several pk s around game.

In the other hand the idea is to help new players, they are real needed in game (we all know the situation of 2238) but i will have an special atention to trolls or thieves so if you have bad intentions, please dont come.

And that s all, if you want to take part of a nice comunity of farmers/traders/crafters join us.

Well... I've got already a faction, inactive but still a faction...however I'd like to help you by participating in hunts and exploration raids.

Hi and welcome.

Just I said try to meet me in ncr or radio channel 1122, we are 4 players in faction for now and is hard to conect in same time but you will be welcome in hunts and raids.

See you in wastelands!

I don't really want to join the actual faction, but I would be glad to help in hunts and some part-time protection.

-Max Payne-:
Welcome  :)

I dont want to join a faction.

But if you need help to hunt, or protection for craft, you can PM me  :)


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