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An Idea for The Devs

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Please don't forget about the part after what you've marked:

--- Quote ---and the forum folks need to tune down their insulting.
--- End quote ---

Because nobody is going to open up, if everything is being trashed just a second later, or if the next three posts will be "the game is dead, just shut down the server!"


--- Quote from: Lexx on May 04, 2013, 03:38:53 pm ---I would hammer the ban button like nobody else, but sadly many peeps are able to hide their insults under harmless looking posts and as soon as we ban & delete, the next ones will come and yell how we simply delete and ban everything we don't like to read.
--- End quote ---

So ban those too! Look man, you have to get rid of the riff-raff or the environment only gets trashier.

--- Quote from: Lexx on May 04, 2013, 03:38:53 pm ---The forum needs harsher moderation, the devs need to write more about what they are going to do and the forum folks need to tune down their insulting.
--- End quote ---

Trash-talking brats won't ever stop. I fully support banning whichever accounts here are irritating the game staff. I think it is a BIG mistake not to have already done this more rigorously: ban those casting insults, rage posts, all that crap. It's just immature garbage that should be removed, mainly by removing the people who do it. You do that, and then you could post dev stuff and you'd see more mature replies. See a few insults? Ban 'em. Next time there are fewer of those. Eventually, those 10 guys stop creating additional accounts and they move on to plague someone else's game and not this one. Because you know what...it's not just the staff that is irritated by the crap posts; it's many of the players too. I'm sure i'm not the only non-dev who'd like to see insulting members get blocked (and never post again).

Clean up the community and this project gets better. That means removing people. Let them eat some "forum is harsh" soup.

marko, so they'd have to ban everyone. everything can be considered as insult it only depends on person.


--- Quote from: Marko on May 04, 2013, 11:15:26 pm ---I fully support banning whichever accounts here are irritating the game staff.

--- End quote ---

how about the game staff irritating players?


No, they would not ban everyone. However, on a forum that might be mostly boiled down to just trolls, yes it might seem like most at first. But you start doing it, and some time later (if you keep it up) you end up with a cleaner crowd.

None of the game staff here seems to be tyrants in my opinion. The opposite really: they are too lenient. They do seem reasonable to me, but quiet (aka busy). So i bet their scrutiny is mature enough to do it right. They'd still allow worthy arguments and constructive criticism.


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