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my first PVP build would like a little feedback
Well, seems you are wrong, maybe you tested it wrong way too :P, but LK affects just bypasses, not KO or cripple chance.
--- Quote from: greenthumb on April 23, 2013, 02:16:59 pm ---Well, seems you are wrong, maybe you tested it wrong way too :P, but LK affects just bypasses, not KO or cripple chance.
--- End quote ---
Acording to this [ http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Critical_hit_tables ] luck affects KO and cripple for eyes and head criticals. In my own experience i feel luck affects KO in general, but i cant support this claim with facts. Never played a crippler, so i dont know about crip.
About bypass, acording to GM Mayck, the bypass % looks like this:
so greenthumb when you look at the reduction in bypass chance between 4 and 5 luck, in addition to the KO and crit ressist to eyes and head, i'd say 5 luck is probably better than 3 int. Unless you get crippled, then 3 int (doc) is better...
At any rate, 210 BG for 95% CTH at 35hex vs 85% at 200 skill is overkill. Rather put those points in FA, cause hinkley happens.
Luck45Relative Less bypassesCtBypass138-38%CtBypass with BC2519-24%
you might be right aswell as you might be not :D, 95% CtHit for avenger on max range is not really necessary, thats true. So maybe higher luck will be better.
Btw have you considered this build? :D
Yeah. Specs ;D. I'd tag unarmed instead of FA though, for awareness ;)
Anyway, as i said, we're both right: it just depends: if you get bypassed, that sucks, and mine is better, but if you get crippled, that sucks even more, and then yours is better.
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