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Stuff in footlockers - blueprints hunting

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Raven Crow:
Your theorie is interesting Dozer.
Its true that I never found any minigun.
The best weapon I ever found in locker was assault rifle, just once.
I probably  found a hundred of lockers and only found 3 blueprints.
According to the wiki and experience IG, Luck seems to play an important role.

May be foolish to think that way but, could it be possible that if more than one player are on the locker's map, their Luck are added and generate a better result?

Maybe the build is influencing what you can find, as the perk treasure hunter who adds more things in the locker such as caps or more useless things like crowbar and all that stuff you don't give a shit when looking for something specific.
Especially when the only thing you want is just finding a blueprint.

Edit : After another hunt, I find a locker with leather jacket and 2 caps...annoying


--- Quote from: Marko on April 21, 2013, 10:16:24 pm ---If you were ever finding bps in about half of the lockers, then i fear that will be the bug that gets fixed. I hunted without TH a long long time. I hunt with TH now a long long time too, with the same char. In either case, i find lockers in about 1/10 encs, and bps in about 1/15 lockers. But only sometimes. Sometimes i find 1 locker and 1 bp within 20 minutes. Other times i can search for 3 hours and nothing.

But also the main thing i'm looking at now is: bp proportions. For example, why ZERO CH bps, but 17 CAWS bps? I just went hunting now when i read your post here and found my 17th CAWS bp. Makes me want to never hunt for them again.

--- End quote ---
Maybe you're right. Finding 5 BPs in 20-25 footlockers was some kind of bug, maybe now I suffer from it, because in 100 footlockers (about 1/4 enco was with footlocker) there was no blueprint. Strange, it was after taking treasure hunter.

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Dozer on April 21, 2013, 11:34:26 pm ---treasure hunter.

--- End quote ---
Yeah that perk works backwards for some strange reason.

chance to find BP in locker is 10% no matter what, its constant.

I've done extensive testing on this, keeping track of the results of various builds for several months.  After a while I came to the conclusion that the build has little to do with what items are generated in the lockers. 

I've had easily over 10 different builds, all seemed to find items and blueprints at about the same rates.  The only difference was the Treasure Hunter perk.  No SPECIAL or Tag skills made any difference.

Using the same build I've opened hundreds of lockers and found nothing, and then on another day found 6 or 7 blueprints in a few hours.  I've entered over 50 encounters and found no lockers, and then later encountered them in over half the encounters.

It does seem truly random.

Treasure Hunter used to be bugged, but it's been fixed for a while now.

My advice is not to get too hung up on the build.  The key to finding blueprints is persistence, and playing the numbers.

I could be completely wrong, but I doubt it.


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