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Stuff in footlockers - blueprints hunting
How could it happen:
When I search for blueprints, there are always laser pistol, crowbar or alloy + 50 caps. But one day I have entered encounter where was player and centaurs, i was heading to footlocker with broken leg on turn based combat mode, it took me 10 or more rounds. When I was walking, player tried two times to open footlocker but failed and he left. I have opened it at second time and there was reward like never before - two avenger miniguns.
Even when I find hard to open footlocker, and I open it, there is nothing more than 300 caps and some 5mm bullets.
I'm almost sure that stuff hidden in footlockers depends on build of player who have found it. Anyone tested it a little more? (please don't write crap if you are new and don't know nothig about it).
It's my blueprint hunter (and he didn't found any blueprint in more than 50 footlockers, after taking treasure hunter http://fonline2238.net/vtdb/char.php?61791 )
I won't post my build, 'cause I unistalled the game, but when I did blueprint hunting I've 2 times found Minigun (the normal one) and also a few flamethrowers. And I've tagged Big Guns in this build. So your theory may be right, or at least partially right.
Thanks for post, maybe I need to create new blueprint hunter, with other skills tagged.
It's not clear at all, because I find laser pistol and 5mm jhp very often - when my character is having tagged small guns.
Anyone knows more about it? :)
My lockpicker never found avenger, just 2-3 miniguns and some flamers. But the 95% of the items i got were alloys, laser pistol, 10mm pistol, and some caps. My skills are BG, Lockpick, Outdoors, and a little of traps and FA. Also, i only have 1 luck.
The point is that some player created encounter where I found 2 x avengers :) He left and I have opened it. I'm sure that he tried 2-3 times to open it. Someone knows better how to create footlocker hunter.
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