Other > Other FOnline projects
Survey: FOnline of my Dreams
--- Quote from: kompreSor on April 22, 2013, 08:13:06 am ---real Dreams of FOnline
TC with militia with level-uping
good economi
old repair system
some bosses ( frank Horrigan or other bosses from fallouts)
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TC with militia with level-uping - meh TC... not gonna happen
good economi - whats wrong with the current economy? there are rich people and poor as shit people. you can now roleplay if you are rich, like you are the king and everyone else is a peasant
old repair system - Y U NO LIKE FALLOUT 3/NV ?
some bosses - he he find a TB trap with 12 ap and 286HP BG/EW and you'll have your boss.
Mr Feltzer:
--- Quote from: White150 on April 20, 2013, 10:48:18 am ---+ open source - everyone can make new modifications, fixes and send it to main developers - they can apply if modification is good, balanced.
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Fallout Online: Australia was open source.
--- Quote from: Roachor on April 20, 2013, 06:22:32 pm ---where is the tla option for "awesome fonline game without jovanka's meddling"?
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True that, she fucked us up and now we're dying.
She did do one good thing and make ghost town, suppose that makers her rep like what? -99998?
Hated her in NCR before dev and I always said the princess can go burn in hell.
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