Other > Suggestions

New ground items graphics.

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--- Quote from: the underground on April 19, 2013, 10:23:43 am ---So in other words, no you don't. Don;t fret, Sarakin covered most of it for you. ::)

--- End quote ---

It seems we musunderstand each other or you just can't read quotes and are being cocky.

I said: HQ minerals, ammo, weapons and such needs to get new graphics. This is my suggestion.
Furthermore, i follow Lexx' advice and just post here some recolored rocks and stuff here, when i get home. Then, it's up to devs whether they implement it or not.

well, its maybe bit off-topic, but it would be nice to reconsider using golden gecko and silver gecko pelts ground graphics from f1, its alredy done for very long, but we still got some fruit boxes for those...

I have a quick question:

Is there 1 image, for example "ammo_box", that is used for every ammo item or is there one image for each item?
If the second is true, this might be an option to make a client-side mod.

the underground:

--- Quote from: greenthumb on April 19, 2013, 12:53:14 pm ---well, its maybe bit off-topic, but it would be nice to reconsider using golden gecko and silver gecko pelts ground graphics from f1, its alredy done for very long, but we still got some fruit boxes for those...

--- End quote ---
Actually.... Now here me out before you say no!!!

Ok, so why not use a larger scale versio nof the inventory skin for the ground skin?
AND ON A RELATED NOTE..... Why not do the same thing for ammo cases? That way at a glance you can see what kind of ammo is it. I know fot had skins for shotshells that were diffrent from rifle and pistol ammo (iirc it was even color-coded by type).

Frames for Minerals, Chemical Components, 5mm JHP and 5mm AP.


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