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How to get Plasma Torch - TS

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How to get Plasma Torch - True Story

I was leveling yet another ape (This one was designated to be Scientist + Quest Maker unlike my other Barterer + Quest Maker) I travelled to Hub in order to do some quests. At the entry i found stucked traveller yet untaken - i requestedhelp from deves, sended some messages on irc then got bored.

Noone came in like 5 min.

And after another 5 min...no one came

Next 5 min...got bored started moving around. Lets take a look whats in all those Lockers - guess what? They were empty. Suddenly i noticed a mysterious building in Hub called Clinic - yes it was empty, i noticed hidden well safe in one of the rooms - yes it was empty. While opening empty lockers and waiting i suddenly found closed doors behind the bar at the Falcon Bar. Closed doors? Interesting. I logged in on Lambhelt (Alt with 300lp) i tried LP`ing the lock - Failed, i went back into my Outpost brought Expended lockpicks and tried again - failed once again. I felt a little MAAAD, i logged onto my crafter brought 30 advancded powder and 5 detonators parts went into gunrunners advanced workbench and crafted 5 dynamites: "If those bartender thinks that can stop my Lockpicker he better thinks again" I transfered dynamites on to Lockpicker then i actived one dynamite and throwed it onto ground when..Yeah all persons in bar started attacking me i quickly dropped rest of dynamite into corner of building (yet unarmed) and tried escaping when Guardian with Minigun killed me. I respawned and went back to the Hub - dynamite armed and throwed onto doors was about to explode when some other guy came in - i warned him about dynamite but he was thoughly uninteresed and exited as quick as he entered oh well i picked up the unarmed dynamites and in the meantime the armed one exploded - screen shaken and the doors was open.

I came in and i noticed a...player? Or was it really player? It was NPC with nick like an player woud have. I clicked on him turned on it was teleporter!? What woud any of you do? Offcourse i agreed to teleport. I was moved into copy of Hub underground arena. it was empty. Totaly empty. I coudn`t get off the map because the stairs were inactive ("transmition timeout. Please wait.") i started to panic a little but i had my other 4 dynamites. I throwed 3 unarmed on the ground and turned on 1 to 0:01 "click, BOOM!" i exploded and had 8 minutes of replication time. I logged out with that one and logged in with my "work-in-progress scientist" alt i checked whether the npc is still there - he was. but other than trap npc there were alse stairs down. I went there. Location had 3 Npc with boring yellow text. There were soom lockers, locked empty though, since i was exploring i decided to search those, few of those really was empty but the 3 last ones had:
1 Cookie
Brotherhood Armor
Brotherhood Helmet

I quickly grabbed those and went into tent with it. I relogged to check my trapped lockpicker. Dead wasn`t an answer - he was still in the arena area. I requsted help from deves again. This time someone appeared like in instant. It was Mayck. He teleported my trapped alt and curiosly asked about the stairs - turned on it was his little event room and that Trap teleporter wasn`t suppose to be there.

He also fixed the traveller and i took him - and that the whole story.

Little Screenes:


You forgot to mention that he took your plasma torch.

This time its good happy ending. Stuff is allready in my outpost hidden well into one of saves.

yeah I thought the same when I kept my power armor, gauss rifle and G11E in my holy tent :(


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