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Expanded NOOB GUIDE v1.2: Up to date playing guide for starters / new players

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Without drugs on top, with jet,nuka,cigs on bottom. Build is able to farm all type encounters  except enclave. For traveling its necessary a car, also few tents in farming zones.


I use a little simpler build than Greenthumbs (might be easier for newbs doing first build), but it can also farm all encounters solo xept enclave

Equipment: M60, CAMKII; nuka-cola; super stimpacks.
With nuka it gets x2 burst per/turn (10 Agility+ x2AB)
Cigs are optional to raise PE to 7. (no other drugs needed).

The trick with this type of farmer is Super Stimpacks + Quick Recovery; together means you can stimpack after Knockdown to live another day.
Luck helps alot against bypasses (basically luck is good on farmers so never neglect it- the more the merrier).
Outdoorsman of 178 ensures you don't get forced encounters (very useful when farming BOS). Basically you want to avoid BOS and BOS initiative encounters (those will get you killed), and do BOS vs encounters.

With current thief nerf it will be a little harder to support these types of builds with super stims (this is the key to survival when soloing), for newbies who haven't yet had a chance to hoard the stuff.

For those who don't mind the grind (basically folks with psych problems), can make x2 of these builds and use program called 'sandboxie' (just google it), to dual log and use 'distress' via radio to get x2 guys into encounters to farm with or get into a gang or farm with friends.

its not bad build, he will be tough enough to solo even BOS, but as any other build it has flaws.
-Low carry weight will demote all joy from solo farming since you ll have to dual log to carry out your loot.
-Since i assume we are talking about TB builds, this build will have disabled ablity to 1-hex-double-burst in most cases, which will be very inefficient especialy for BOS and NCRA(Bonus Move is that perk which makes you realy agile in TB)
-Farming with drug build but without Chem reliant will decrease enjoyment aswell, even if its just nuka and cigs.

Also this build got some Pro, but i considered it as not important (thats also reason why i neglected it for my build)
-High outdoorsman will(might) help you, but it will be not singificant boost, here you spent 4 additional special points, but you can substitute High outdoorsman with a tent and a car. (Especialy for farming BOS and NCRA)

I wouldn't recomend new players make a build that relies so heavily on drugs or has no outdoors, notice the build i posted doesn't need drugs and it could definatley kill both of those previously posted builds and farm as good as them without the drugs.


--- Quote from: Crovax on May 06, 2013, 07:37:02 pm ---I wouldn't recomend new players make a build that relies so heavily on drugs or has no outdoors, notice the build i posted doesn't need drugs and it could definatley kill both of those previously posted builds and farm as good as them without the drugs.

--- End quote ---
I would recommend to play with as good build as it is possible, drugs are not real problem(jet,nuka,cigs-cheapest drugs). You will see its worth to play with realy good build after you spend few hours on farming.

@YourBuild: Your build is maybe able to kill even some PVE builds with drugs(i dont think so), but farmer should not  be designed as PVP fighter(what your build realy isnt). Also your build will most likely die from first knockout during NCRA farming, what will become pretty annoying if you expect positive result from farming activites.


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