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Expanded NOOB GUIDE v1.2: Up to date playing guide for starters / new players

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--- Quote from: Raven Crow on April 17, 2013, 01:58:11 pm ---You were right for the awarness perk MrTrader.
I tried with a cigarette but didn't work.
So no cheat for support perk.
But what is interesting to say is that you don't necessary need 6 PE to get it.
Because 100 % in melee weapon or in unarmed will do as well

--- End quote ---

WOW intresting never knew that so for a hit to hit alt it would be a option

I would say don't bother with shit shoveling its a waste of time and gives poor exp.

I'd also say don't bother with trader as first char as it is far easier to farm and steal for gear; did I say its far easier to farm & steal...

Better starting build is farmer PvE turn-based BG/EW hybrid using M60 + laser pistol/rifle. You will be able to farm khans, unity and NRC Army. Laser rifles/pistols are a bit hard to get for first char (if you can get one use it), otherwise its easy to level up using big flamer; its dead easy to craft. Level up on molerats first 3-4 levels then move on to mutated molerats. Once you hit level 9 move on to Centaurs vs Aliens vs Floaters until level 24.

Your next character should be a thief to steal gear from BOS and Enclave (I leveled up my thief by punching mutated molerats in eyes as this can kill them in one hit and they give nice exp- level 12 is all you need, that should get you to 210 steal skill (if made right); now you can steal from anything and everyone.

You will be mainly stealing from BOS and Enclave patrols encounters as they have some nice stuff in their inventories; ps. BOS carry super stimpacks which you will steal to support your farmer and future pvp builds. You will be able to steal nuka-cola from San Frisco Citizens (again used to support your farmer and future pvp builds).

Finally a slaver; for caps and jet, completes the 'holy trinity'.

With the the 'holy trinity' you can support yourself, and can start making PvP chars as well.

Finaly, perhaps the best advice for newbies is to join a gang. Game gets so much easier if in a gang.

exclusive AdoplphbinStalin photo for 2238:

Stealing is nerfed.

Indeed just confirmed with my thief- stealing has been nerfed; one can steal but nothing happens (corrected my previews post). That leaves farming and slaving for the time being.
UH-OH! I just remembered why I have been playing other games for past few weeks :P

Ciao  ;)

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: AdolphbinStalin on April 30, 2013, 03:33:45 pm ---

--- End quote ---
Stealing is nerf?
Ermagherd I am TLAmk2 now.


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