The box is locked to prevent player easily grabbing things and running from centaur.
why the hell are the new special encounters needing lockpickers?? its just stupid
The don't need them. In this one a character with mediocre lockpick just gets a little more of the same thing.
And how many chars do you think have mediocre lockpick skill?
Failed chars. Jovanka again fail in developing.
Oh! Put a key on the Centaur corpse.
This.Plain and simple .Lockpickers can lockpick the container and fighting chars can kill the damn thing.
She just said she's gonna change it And how do you guys respond? that. Sorry but for the first time on this forum i got a bit irritated at reading the responses.
changing lockpick % for example from 200 to 100 doesn't change anything. people create 300% LP chars or they don't put a single point in it.
If you minimax and then cry because can't do anything else except shooting and miss out some tiny bonuses, I don't give a fuck. If you make a character that can't fight and you get special encounter with enemies, I don't give a fuck.