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Author Topic: New Special Encounter?  (Read 3946 times)


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Re: New Special Encounter?
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2013, 10:54:07 am »

Okay! From now I will always travel quadraple logged with chars that have every skill possible maxed in case I get in an encounter that might require 300% lockpick, 200% BG, 150% Speech or 200% repair.

But this one doesn't require that. None of special encounter require that.
It requires 0% skills to get 12 nuka colas, and less than 100% lockpick to get a few more.
So you should be happy, because finally stuff for non-minimaxers is added.
If you can't fight you will probably get radiated a bit, well you can always run away - your choice.
Re: New Special Encounter?
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2013, 09:25:04 pm »

It's the min-max mindset that is to blame here. My current character (yes, only one) has 150 LP. I can open most lockers I encounter. Glow and Ares are a no-go, but footlockers are fine.

I stole Enclave and BOS most of the season with a steal 166% alt. I had very little problems with it.

It seems like at this point people are simply looking for something, anything - to complain about.
Iguana Pete's sister

Re: New Special Encounter?
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2013, 07:37:21 pm »

People always rage about something.... this is just a thini thing that not even worth complaining! i already found almost all the SEs only missing this bus stop or what ever it is! I found 2 old warehous encounter with my borrowed lockpicker and gues what it has almost no combatskill 62HP and gues what i was fucking scared when i meet my first molerat in thos suvers or what ever it is and you know what i had my best freind with me aka Grease gun! 1hex burst and no more problem! I was like hell im the king of the hill... and here comes the problems! there was 2 other molerats at the corner! ang gues what?? i managed to kill em both... an so one till i found the place where the key is! the best thing is i had time to look around a little befor going in so i managed to see where is the key and run in take it and go out! and thats that! i have a police car and now a Truck!
This 2 cars was both with my Lockpicker! and you know what? it was my best pve experience in 2238 ever since i started playing and not becos i just go in and lockpicked the car with the 300 lockpicker guy... no! its becos i fighted 5-6 molerats with the shittiest combatskilled alt in the history and i managed to ourtun another 6-7 molerats when i was picking up the key for thos cars! And you know what you have right in some way! Thes encouters are realy hard to finde if you do not know where to seek it! i know that a warehous should be in urban environment but in my opinion it would be best if thes encounters would show up if the people are searching it together! You know the more the merrier and ofc the more eyes the more thing they spot! Jotisz and me already suggested this idea about SE-s! Geezz sorry i made it too long.... but i was a little fed up with this bullshiting agan...
Do you hear the voices too?


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Re: New Special Encounter?
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2013, 09:49:36 pm »

I lost all hope on vehicles encounters. I now just grind the cities for junk and various critters.
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