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Author Topic: I want to help.  (Read 10192 times)

I want to help.
« on: June 23, 2013, 06:31:23 pm »

Hey.  My name is Medraut Stowe.  I came to this form around 2 years ago because I was just starting off on Youtube and wanted to talk to the admins here about making proper trailers showing off what this game was and had to offer.  On Youtube at the time most of what I found was in horrible quality, didn't really show off the game, and was covered in awful copyrighted music.  A lot of those videos are still up and have gone nowhere.

So I came here myself and tried to find an admin to talk to.  I checked the forum's colour rankings and found one of...maybe three?  It was 2 years ago, I don't remember that well.  I don't even remember my original Username here since I had to re-register.  Probably got deleted for inactivity.  I sent him/her a very long message letting them know I was very serious about it and I wanted to work with them to really show the game off because I loved it.  I still do love it.

Unfortunately, I was completely ignored.  Yes, I only had about 400 subscribers at the time and I was just some shitty Let's Player no one knew.  However I didn't even get a "Thanks but no thanks".

Here I am 2 years later.  I'm a Youtube partner going through a sudden boom of subscribers where according to my Analytics today, I get a net gain of 498 a month.  I live stream 3 times a week, one of those times being for charity.  Why do I bring this up?  I have a fanbase who is willing to donate to a good cause.  Every single week.

I want them to donate to this!  I honestly believe between the donations of the people here and the donations of my fanbase, we could keep this thing afloat.  I saw some post about this costing something like 50 pounds a month to keep up, if that post was true then that's not that bad.  I can help.  I WANT to help.

I'm hoping I won't get ignored this time, that's why I'm posting this in the open where everyone can see it instead of an inbox message where I could possibly be ignored.

If there is anyone I can talk to about helping out, point me in the right direction.  I ask for absolutely nothing in return, I just want to keep this game going.  Thank you.
Hello, I'm Mah-Dry-Bread, a mildly successful F grade internet celebrity.  You may know me from that video you watched the first 4 minutes of and clicked off because there was a cat in the related videos.


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Re: I want to help.
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2013, 07:12:26 pm »

Excellent! And no, you're not necessarily too late. This server will, i'm sure, be shut down today in a few hours, but don't let that stop you. Appeal appeal appeal! If you really do have the resources to pump new life into this thing, and resuscitate it, then please do!

Devs, if we get enough money donated, will you just run the server and let all us addicts keep playing it, as-is? Imagine a year later if you do, and junior devs have added new quests/maps and people like Medraut here have heroically increased the player base.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: I want to help.
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2013, 07:14:17 pm »

I've streamed this game just two or three times and EVERYONE watching in the chat was raving on about how awesome it looks.  I got at least 10 people to join on the first stream.  I even have a Fallout Online section on my own personal forum where we like to write down everyone in our community who plays and make a wanted list of people who we know to attack on sight.  It's fun.
Hello, I'm Mah-Dry-Bread, a mildly successful F grade internet celebrity.  You may know me from that video you watched the first 4 minutes of and clicked off because there was a cat in the related videos.


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Re: I want to help.
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2013, 07:14:59 pm »

How much money is really needed?
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Re: I want to help.
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2013, 07:25:08 pm »

How much money is really needed?
Over 9000!!!! USD Murican money

and bread, where do you stream? twitch?

Link please :D
Back In-Game :D
Re: I want to help.
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2013, 07:28:46 pm »

My personal stream:

My weekly charity stream:

If you want to see the recordings, they all go to my youtube.  My youtube is linked right under my display picture.

I hope to see you at the charities!
Hello, I'm Mah-Dry-Bread, a mildly successful F grade internet celebrity.  You may know me from that video you watched the first 4 minutes of and clicked off because there was a cat in the related videos.

Mike Crosser

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Re: I want to help.
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2013, 12:03:26 am »

Well man,at least you tried.

Perhaps try promoting other FOnline projects?
Re: I want to help.
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2013, 02:32:23 am »

After a very long conversation with a few of the admins in the IRC, it looks like I'm too late to have helped.  I'm sorry.

I'm still going to do what I can to let my fanbase know about the 2238 community in the event it ever can come back, but for now there isn't a lot I can do.
Hello, I'm Mah-Dry-Bread, a mildly successful F grade internet celebrity.  You may know me from that video you watched the first 4 minutes of and clicked off because there was a cat in the related videos.
Re: I want to help.
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2013, 03:13:29 am »

It's not the only fonline server tell them about tla mk2 its english too
Re: I want to help.
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2013, 03:13:44 am »

It wasn't money.

People just get tired of things after a while.
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
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