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your best moment in fo:2238

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since their is "most annoying moment in fo:2238" i thought i'd create this topic. I 'd love to hear cool stuff.

my best moment was when NCR was overrun by  PVP killers who killed anyone they saw all the gaurds were dead. AFterwards i maneged to loot some good stuff...(only to be blown up by a rocket from a annoyed BG wielder).

Still great fun.. haha. If this doesn't count (previous old session) here's my second best moment moment:

 was when i told to some Doc in NCR that i was a bit bored. He was like i can cure that! BLAM! we both die horribly.
heheh...hmm i just noticed a pattern here..getting blasted equals fun???

Also: finding out what the text message "you better move" meant with loads of stuff in inventory is third.

5 minut of flying. Men flying sure does feels good...

Others than that i dunno mostly traders finds such as 20 psychos at Raiders Bar or 2x 100%/100% Avenger minuguns at Gunrunners

hmm opening Locker in Glow with Jet & Psychos BP, or the one with 2x P90, Sniper Rifle and 30 2mm EC.

Buying private Outpost, Junk that i`ve got mostly from Glow and Dissambled radios sure was nice too.

the underground:
20 golden geckos, a half dozen or so silver geckos, AND 4 storng slavers.
and I ended up last man standing.

Killing a PvP ape in full gear trolling a mine... With my sledgehammer...


--- Quote from: BenKain on April 13, 2013, 08:17:59 pm ---Killing a PvP ape in full gear trolling a mine... With my sledgehammer...

--- End quote ---

Awesome! did you get lucky was he afk , was he typing or something..??


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