Other > Tools and Modifications

Printed Circuit Boy Mark II - Interface

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Jinxed Jack:
New version of P.C.Boy available :
Teeny Tank P.C.Boy

Download and screen You can find under first post.

The Good Doctor:

--- Quote from: Brujah on April 12, 2013, 10:22:44 pm ---Nah keep it the way you want to keep, no need to turn it into a PVP interface.

There's some pretty sweet interfaces that don't fit PVP like desert from RAS and people still use them.

--- End quote ---

No need to make it into a pure PVP interface.
It's already significantly less clunky than the vanilla, so it already helps in PvP.
And it's just as lore-friendly as vanilla, if not moreso.

Keep up the good work!
Looking forward to that 1920x1080!

Jinxed Jack:

--- Quote ---No need to make it into a pure PVP interface.
--- End quote ---

Yes You have right but I think that the Teeny Tank UI is smaller and better. About 1920x1080 resolution I will have problem because I have old monitor with 4:3 ratio. I will try to do something with it.

--- Quote ---maybe if invert Skildex icon FA and DOC? Syringe will be look like a stimpack and the bag as bag doctor?
--- End quote ---

Special for You Ras:

Mike Crosser:
Link for screen is dead.

Jinxed Jack:
How now?


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