Other > Tools and Modifications

Printed Circuit Boy Mark II - Interface

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Jinxed Jack:
Yes and yes. But that second Yes I will fix (Im graphic designer, not a linguist ;) ). Thanks.

No problem, you're doing a good job! While we're at it - IMO you could rename those slots to simply "Slot 1" and "Slot 2", or "1st Slot" "2nd Slot" etc. Would look better, imo. Else, I woud "round" some of the hard corners of the green circuit graphic elements and add a very small, slight drop shadow to the "floating" elements like char screen, fixboy etc. But that's a matter of taste. Keep on rocking!

Jinxed Jack:
Fixed :).

The skilldex icons are nice, you're doing a great job, man.


--- Quote from: Jinxed Jack on April 10, 2013, 01:00:35 am ---By the way, maybe some of You know ... It is possible to make item filters on inventory screen? Like this:

--- End quote ---

You need to write functions in script server.


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