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who thinks im right and agrees?

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--- Quote from: Tomowolf on April 05, 2013, 10:44:34 pm ---Because writing "server is shit do something or i quit" is not a statement, but bullshit, and should be erased along with the post maker.

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because everyone who gives a crap about this game should have his topics deleted or be banned. attitudes like yours make me sick.


...and guess which one are leaving.


chosen soldiers:

--- Quote from: Tomowolf on April 05, 2013, 10:44:34 pm ---Because writing "server is shit do something or i quit" is not a statement, but bullshit, and should be erased along with the post maker.

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i didnt say i was going to quite :D read the post proppa before you say facts that aint true, i said lets wipe the game start fresh and kick jov from dev team, and get rid of stupied updates and try to get this game back into shape instead of it becoming crap, you have some stupied attitude read the post. duhhh


--- Quote from: chosen soldiers on April 06, 2013, 12:14:45 am ---i didnt say i was going to quite :D read the post proppa before you say facts that aint true, i said lets wipe the game start fresh and kick jov from dev team, and get rid of stupied updates and try to get this game back into shape instead of it becoming crap, you have some stupied attitude read the post. duhhh

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Kick Jov from Dev team, and have updates(even shitteir) once per 3 years, thanks, but sorry - no.


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