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Author Topic: Jet crafting  (Read 1742 times)

Jet crafting
« on: April 04, 2013, 05:49:54 pm »

Jet is a common drug in Fallout univers! right now its realy not worth to craft it to be honest its a pain in the ass to craft it and the materials are not worth the time to gather... i have a solution for this! what we need right now to craft this drug is Advanced workbanch dunno why we need that for a drug... and 3 HQ chem and 3 Chem....
To craft it you need a specila place indeed but not unreacable for doctors... there should be a method to make a specil safehous that you can make if you have enough Doc skill 200 is enough its like the ranger perk but its not ranger its the doctors tent or something like that! You could craft Jet there at some special doctors WB or something like that a little chemists labor. And for now the recepie for Jet! I think for crafting it you have to have Brahminshit for main ingredient, Empty Jet canister! just like empty hypo you can get it from reno... and 1hq chem and 3 chem. this way it would be less painfull to gather the materials! And im not sure that this common drug sould use any HQ chem at all.... cos its the cheapest drug out there so its need to be cheap to craft it! another ide of recipie 1 cowpoop, 1 empty jet canister, 1-2 regular chem, and maybe xander root and brock flower.
Do you hear the voices too?
Re: Jet crafting
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2013, 09:55:34 am »

lol looks like nobody cares about this delete this tred please
Do you hear the voices too?


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Re: Jet crafting
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2013, 11:22:54 am »

lol looks like nobody cares about this delete this tred please

It's just that this discussion can become a HQ chems one. It is a quite painful topic. Devs seem to have done everything on this. You know, Glow random spawn, special encounters. HAH!

Devs. Nobody in sane mind will craft Jet with HQ chems that rare. Everyone will farm it or buy in Reno. Not that you care about it much, but eh.

Change the recipe please or make the HQ mats more available. Ed Wood made a really good suggestion about it: make a unguarded chemical lab somewhere, if you like the player interaction that much, so the chemicals could be refined to HQs.

Or what he said about vanilla Fallout jet recipe.

Edit: with a kind permission of Wire, i'll quote his PM:
judging by the quantity the jet produced in. And that Enclave willing to part with their chems for something else. It can be easely assumed that Jet does not use hq chems, lore wise.
Besides that, theres one more obvious point. Jet is a product for junkies, not a drug for a high class people and making it out out of rare HQ chems would be inefficient and unprofitable.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 12:40:02 pm by Alvarez »

the underground

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Re: Jet crafting
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2013, 04:55:00 pm »

FWIW, meth is made in peaples kitchens all the time. Thats not even a workbench.
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

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Re: Jet crafting
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 10:45:44 am »

Well, jet is basicly airisol methamphetamine.
And meth can be made at home. So why not just make it require barhmen shit, some empty canasters, tools and chemicals?

Mike Crosser

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Re: Jet crafting
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 01:13:55 pm »

Well, jet is basicly airisol methamphetamine.
And meth can be made at home. So why not just make it require barhmen shit, some empty canasters, tools and chemicals?
Because it's much cheaper and faster to just go and kill weak raiders for it.

the underground

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Re: Jet crafting
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 08:10:40 pm »

Because it's much cheaper and faster to just go and kill weak raiders for it.

Lol. And so true.
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!
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