Deputy must have hard time eating through our engrish.
i do. PS: also wtf is wrong with the forum? 9 times out of 10 when i post something, the forum sends me to an empty page or the browser is showing me errors.
Stop using internet explorer.
It for sure isnt missing same exploits from TLA from 2008-09 year.
People lost interest and TLA MKII got to everyone's attention. What's so good about it? I'll be damned if I could tell you.
Caravan,random pvp in desert,shitloads of awesome and balanced gun and perks,PERFECT crafting system,perfect respawn system,shitloads of funny quests,no stupid nerfing,infinite list.ONE ALT efficiency.Try to craft a sniper that can kill a combat armor guy and still craft everything in 2238,if you can.In tla is reality.And this above all.