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Changelog 2/04/2013

<< < (31/45) > >>

I have been playing about 2 months, I was in a faction, had a leveled thief and 160 det parts (both of which are useless now). Thief build are completely useless now, couldn't you have simply reduced there usefulness?  I already spent lots of time in the mines, I am both a "PVP APE" as well as  "mining crafter". 1st thing I would  like to say, great job with the mines.
Now about the SS. 10 minutes you should get about 30 chem components, not bad since it takes one per SS. But 75 caps in biogel per SS. Maybe you could make an alternative way to collect biogel? Or you could reduce the price by 5-10 caps . . .  Peopple do not need to take 10 SS to TC that is overkill, there havn't been any huge pvp battles lately, I take 5-6, and I haven't ran out in mid battle.

There is allready alternative way to get biogels.


--- Quote from: Nougat on April 04, 2013, 07:51:39 pm ---I have been playing about 2 months, I was in a faction, had a leveled thief and 160 det parts (both of which are useless now). Thief build are completely useless now, couldn't you have simply reduced there usefulness?  I already spent lots of time in the mines, I am both a "PVP APE" as well as  "mining crafter". 1st thing I would  like to say, great job with the mines.
Now about the SS. 10 minutes you should get about 30 chem components, not bad since it takes one per SS. But 75 caps in biogel per SS. Maybe you could make an alternative way to collect biogel? Or you could reduce the price by 5-10 caps . . .  Peopple do not need to take 10 SS to TC that is overkill, there havn't been any huge pvp battles lately, I take 5-6, and I haven't ran out in mid battle.

--- End quote ---

You sound like a big bitch.

Death has a special place for you. Cannot wait to dig up your grave.


--- Quote from: GraveRobber on April 05, 2013, 01:23:48 am ---You sound like a big bitch.

Death has a special place for you. Cannot wait to dig up your grave.

--- End quote ---

And you sound like one of those wanna be Mad Max's. Cannot wait to get your grave-digger-possession.

Boon Lived:
I must say i like this update. 5mm AP, Micro-Fusion Cells and Super Stimpacks can't be obtained by stupidity anymore.
This is how it SHOULD be.

Rather than being expensive to obtain - it was just some crap to flood traders with.
And from what PvP i had seen, it was merely a contest of who took the most Super Stims.
Now they have some *real* value.

Craft or buy some, or perhaps get a group and wipe out some patrols.
Atleast be thankful you can farm the best armors instead of crafting them.

Looking forward to the next update.


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