Other > Gang Issues

Would like to apply for a gang!

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I'm still looking for a gang. It would be nice to see a bit more of FOnline.

Come to #TheLastLight on the IRC, we can provide you with some advice and hunting parties and the like. Unfortunately, most big gangs, are too arrogant to help out people that haven't been playing for 1~2 years, so we can get you some experience and maybe find you a faction there.


--- Quote from: BenKain on April 03, 2013, 01:15:54 am ---Come to #TheLastLight on the IRC, we can provide you with some advice and hunting parties and the like. Unfortunately, most big gangs, are too arrogant to help out people that haven't been playing for 1~2 years, so we can get you some experience and maybe find you a faction there.

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To correct: most big gangs just have high standards.

the underground:

--- Quote from: BenKain on April 03, 2013, 01:15:54 am ---Come to #TheLastLight on the IRC, we can provide you with some advice and hunting parties and the like. Unfortunately, most big gangs, are too arrogant to help out people that haven't been playing for 1~2 years, so we can get you some experience and maybe find you a faction there.

--- End quote ---
They wanna se if you can and will play or are just wasting their time.
Arrogance comes as a result, not the cause.

I love noobs. Their builds are awesome, with that builds they dont even need lvl 24 ( lvl 10-15 is enough) to try PvP. I also love when they tag SG, BG and Ew in the same character or repair and science in PvP builds.

Warning! Noobs listen to this, you shouldnt use BG or SG burster. Your teamkill - enemykill ratio will be something like: 5/1. Trust me, ive been teamkilled many times.


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