Other > Suggestions

Unfriending Option In Base

(1/2) > >>

So, as always, one bug is fixed and another unforseen issue arises.
Brujah is adding everyone he can see to his trapper camp, and it is annoying as hell, and there is no way to remove yourself.
I would like to see a possiblity to make yourself neutral or an enemy at a faction terminal so this stupid shit doesn't happen.

Mike Crosser:
Sure why not.

the underground:
Just don't go or respect his turf and keep your hands to yourself when you're there.

The point is, he added me without my permission, I should not have to deal with seeing his little bluesuit parade on my map. It is greifing.


--- Quote from: BenKain on March 31, 2013, 01:33:11 pm ---Brujah is adding everyone he can see to his trapper camp, and it is annoying as hell, and there is no way to remove yourself.

--- End quote ---

Wait ...




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