Other > Suggestions

New small gun

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--- Quote from: DeputyDope on March 29, 2013, 09:46:08 pm ---i think this suggestion is useless.

--- End quote ---

Your Useless

Anyway, I +1, I would love this for slaving.


--- Quote from: BenKain on March 29, 2013, 10:19:55 pm ---Your Useless

--- End quote ---


Killer Rabbit:
Not 5mm but 7.62!!! And range of 32/40.
12/36 per burst with damage +1 from single bilet Than assault rifle. 7.62 is much better ammo Than 5mm

Actually, we don't really need new weapons. Re-balancing the existing ones would be good enough, just to make SG usable in PvP actions.

I agree with Dark. Why add a whole new AK-47 weapon when the AK-112 Assault Rifle, for example, could be reworked?

Apart from that, I love the idea of a new "SG stormer" PvP class.


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