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Need help with BG build
Ok, I have messed around with a few builds and come up with this:
It is still a compromise between firepower and tankiness. I cannot really figure out whether or not more ranged damage is needed for anything else than minigun, I am thinking about swapping it with Lifegiver+.
Any thoughts on this build?
3 -4 int would be enough, take bonehead trait if you wish to not have so much ko's against snipers
put one more point in PE or LK if you wish to use rocket launcher or not.
Well if you're not using drugs at all, it isn't that bad.
Take Bonehead instead of Loner, drop INT to 4 and put 1 more point in PE.
Thanks for the help guys I ended up going for the build with your modifications. Though I am still doubting whether more ranged damage is needed when i shoot twice a turn anyways, maybe lifegiver+ is a better choice?
no. more ranged dmg in combo with dual burst is better choice
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