Other > Closed suggestions

Molerats Bets


Ok, hello every one.

I had a great idea, I want to make some molerats fight, in redding for exemple.

I just want to make some bet on the fight, like boxes fights :D

you know ...

I just need some help from GMs. They spawn two molerats in the molerats arena near to mining site in redding.

One molerats is call Molerat 1 the second his Molerat 2.

Players come and Mister X bet 10 000 caps on Molerat 1.
Mister Y bet 10 000 caps on Molerat 2.

Molerat 2 win, Mister Y win his own 10 000 caps and 5 000 from the second bet. 5 000 other caps are for organisators :D.

i would like to bring that this back from f2 :>


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