Other > Suggestions

Tweak toughness


The perks toughness (and even tougher) together gives you +10 and +5 for only normal damage, it seems like it should give +10 and +5 to all types of damage. Maybe some mistake on the developers of Fallout, maybe.

Thinking this should be changed. Maybe fixed?

with current armor and drug system its okay right now.

Only thing that can be said about toughness is that the first toughness is underpowered compared to adrenaline rush. It's better to take AR + even tougher rather than 2x toughness.

Solution would be either that toughness was a little better and it could be taken twice accompanied with the removal of even tougher perk.

Or the first toughness was required if you wanted even tougher but then I suggest that toughness would become level 3 perk and even tougher a level 6.


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