Other > Suggestions

World map Faction base description


When idling on world map pointing your cursor at a base location you see the coords and information about the base type. I suggest adding the name of the faction the base belongs to to the description because these two situations or their combinations may occur:

• You were unwillingly added to a faction base and you see it because it's set to show its location to the invited players; as you're driving your car like crazy, hurrying to get regrouped asap, you see four circles marking various bases around the town and you're not sure which one is the right one to enter.

• You're headed to a location where you don't usually visit (Klamath, Junktown, Hub for me) and you forget which of the bases you see is yours.

In both cases two things can happen:

• You jump in, got killed by mercs, lose your stuff and car.

• You jump in safely, park your precious vehicle, it's long gone with its full trunk when you come back.

Optionally, it could be possible only for characters with awareness perk to be able to tell which faction does the base belong to; when having awareness you for example recognize the shape of the trees that grow there or the color of your brahmin from greater distance than unaware characters, thus you're able to distinguish them bases before you enter (RP explantion), similarly to world map encounters.

It shall look like this:

I think developers already stated this would get implemented in the future.

For real?

Yeah the same was suggested for tents, especially now that you can make 10 tents with each character. I think it was Wipe who explained that such a feature is on the todo list, but it's not possible to implement at the moment. I bet they'll do it for bases as well.

It'd be cool if bases would have their color other than green (like tents have blue now), it'd be easier to differ them from the usual locations.


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