Other > Suggestions
New weap: Whip.
the underground:
A whip, made of braided brahin hairs (or leather). Inflicts much pain (affect lyoalty), but relatively little injuriy (about 1 damage per every 10 lashes). 1 ap to use.
It is so stupid I like it...:) but u will need new animation :)
Ed Wood:
+1 Well the throwing animation is alread good for it for basic! :P its not bad for a slaver :D this item would make the maintaine at a minimum loyality so they wont run away on the first sight of combat..maybe you could get a maximum of 10% loyality with it! Also only usable for slavers and on slaves! Oh and it could also effect other slavers salve but in the oter effect it could reduce hes loyality. :D
Whiplash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPh_9sRJycI
the underground:
On slaves yes but why only by sla vers?
Just use cattle prod animation ;)
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