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FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!

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--- Quote from: T-888 on March 24, 2013, 03:13:21 pm ---It's still fun, but yeah running and field of view would be major improvement.

--- End quote ---
Trust me, combat running and FOV seem as stupid to TLA players as their absence does to you. Like I said, it's a matter of habit.

Cyber Jesus:
World map is so slow next time I travel to another town Il commit suicide, I guess russians travel with cars or something but for me It takes 20 minutes from Den to New Reno which are fairly close.

and btw where do I exchange mine scrip for money?

Combat running + Fov and you will get all pvplayers from 2238. Seriously.

I never heard a single viable argument to how that is better, being able to see through walls and unable to run in combat. Many factors of combat just disappears in that case, fast maneuvering, flanking, the element of surprise and unconventional strategies just does not exist, combat without field of view and running is stagnant and stale, one dimensional and straight forward I might say - simplified.

On 2238, for example, numbers don't mean that much, because you can surprise your enemy, choose an appropriate strategy and beat the odds, but that is not possible if the enemy see you through walls.

I'm not talking about habit, it's not a subject about it. I can get used to that very quickly and I think it isn't a problem to most players, but once you start to compare both styles, obviously the one with most positive effects concerning combat is superior.

if i have to choose between running+empty server and no-runing and full of people - i definitely go for secound
this no runing its not that bad, especialy when you can actually run with combat perk. most of the fights have place on some encouters and base maps anyway.


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