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Changelog 16/03/2013

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- Ingredients for crafting machines are now counted properly.
- Fixed recycling of items lost in encounters (items lost/left in encounters weren't placed in graves).
- Fixed bugged bargaining with Chris in Navarro, allowing players to get quest item for caps without paying the caps.
- Added missing message when trying to access cigarettes crafting machine while the machine is still working.
- Fixed glitched trunk graphics of the police car (by jotisz).

- Changes for faction friends and people with invited status:

* they aren't considered intruders by followers guarding bases/tents,
* they lose their status if they kill a member of the faction inside the faction base,
* they lose their status if they are killed by a member of the faction (or follower of the member) inside the faction base.- Access to base is lost only when a non-member is killed inside base by a member of the faction (or follower of the member).
- Rules of enabling sneak have been reworked, it's no longer possible to tag other players to enter sneak in front of them. You can enter sneak when seen by:

* sneaking players,
* disconnected players,
* if you have a temporary team (in Hinkley or events), when seen by the players from your team,
* if you don't have a temporary team, when seen by:

* players from your faction, if it's a player faction,
* players from a faction where you are registered as friend,
* players who tagged you as a group leader,
* players who tagged someone who tagged you as a group leader.EXTRA NOTES:
- Run the updater to obtain the new files.


Base fixes are very cool! Thanks guys!

Mike Crosser:
Finally that base annoyance has been fixed.

aint bad aint bad, keep it comming devs. thumbs up.


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